Monday, 13 January 2025

Destroyed City environment - Unreal Engine

 The title pretty much says it all!

Still very much a work in progress - I'm moving things around, deleting some items, replacing them with others (such as removing telegraph poles and putting in broken street lights instead).

Of course, the final piece will happen at night time - only light up by aerail Hunter Killers' searchlights and laser blasts, as well as any explosions in the scene.

UPDATE!!! Yep - it's actually been revived...!!


I actually forgot that I even had this blog...!

(I have no idea if anyone is still following this...! LOL) 

Here we are, 16 years on, and I am now a full time freelance compositor - who still does visuals effects and learns new stuff in spare time... 

I re-discovered some old work of mine, and wondered how it might come out if I were to redo it now - with my current skillset, and all the advancements in software and hardware. 

This is my first test - on seeing the old teaser I did for an old idea, "Future War". It's an improvement - but it still has its problems. 

However, I did it in a fraction of the time, and given what I have learned since the original idea, and doing this teaser, I have decided to forge ahead. Only this time, with a completely new script, much tighter, shorter - and all digital. I've had to ditch the live-action approach for practical and financial reasons - but have learned a LOT of new skills in the process, and am still continuing to learn... 

This teaser is more of a test - a work in progress, if you will (although I won't come back to it - I'm more focused/ excited by the actual short film itself now!) please take it with a pinch of salt: the end film should be of a much higher quality by the time it goes out...! 

In the meantime, enjoy...!